Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Pringle Dash...

About 20 peolpe gathered in front of Fleet Feet in West Hartford for a Fun Run.  This would be my first group run.  I'm always up for trying something new and since the Asics rep would be in the house I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone; for the record I'm not a bird killer.

Before the 3mi run the leader gave a brief review of good form running; then she pulled out a countainer of Pringles.  Why would she do that? "You know you just can't have one."  Suprisingly everyone took a chip.  

The first three people to cross the finish line with a whole chip would win some "running swag" and the winner would get a grand prize.  With a chip in one hand and course directions in the other we took off.  Keep in mind I'm not from West Hartford so I'm following along about middle of the pack.

For this run I traded my Asics Gel Tri Noosa 9-(review coming soon) for the  Asics Super J33 as requested.  

About a 1.5 miles into the run my chip was still intact. But, the pack is thinning out so my competive nature kicks and I start running faster.  

A quick glance at the directions in my right hand and I see that I'm supposed to make a right turn on Quaker Street.  As I approach the intersections I'm looking out for traffic and street signs; the next street sign says North Quaker but, the West Hartford residents keep running straight ahead. 

Dilema, what I'm going to do trust my gut or follow the crowd?  I continued running with the group and its apparent now we should have turned.  Lisa pulled out her GPS and confirmed what I feared-temporary displacement.

What should have been a quick 3miles resulted in 5miles in the heat without hydration.  But, I was determined to finish with a whole pringle intact.

When I returned to Fleet Feet I was able to cool off with some Power Ice...  and received some swag after all courtesy of Asics.


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